She Said: Kim Lapin

She Said: Kim Lapin

1. Introduce yourself: your name and where you’re from.

My name is Kim Lapin and I was born and raised in Palos Verdes. A sweet little beach town on a peninsula in LA County, about 45 minutes south of DTLA.

2. Where in LA do you live?

I live in Los Feliz currently, but we have lived in Silver Lake, Echo Park, Redondo Beach, and DTLA in the last 5 years! We love investing in properties and are very spontaneous, so we move around a lot but we will be here for at least a couple of years!

3. Your house looks amazing. Do you have a history in interior design, or is it just a passion of yours?

THANK YOU!! I do not have a history in interior design, but my dad is a general contractor so maybe the idea of transforming a space felt less intimidating to me because he was always building homes. However, the love for aesthetics was always something I cared about. While growing up, I would constantly decorate and redecorate my bedroom to reflect my mood by moving furniture, putting up photos, changing my bedding, etc. I got really into it when I got married because we loved to try new neighborhoods to live and we moved a lot as I said. So, I got to practice every year or so in a whole new place! I love a project!

Most recently, I remodeled our home in Redondo Beach and stripped the entire house. It was the first time I did an entire house, from landscape to interiors to decorating and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. I like to remodel to my taste, not to sell for a profit because then you end up using basic materials and painters’ trends that every other house on Redfin has. My brother was the general contractor and we made a great team because he has impeccable taste. He would guide me when I wasn’t sure about something. We listed that house and it sold in a week! So, it was worth all the blood, sweat, and tears.

4. Tell us about Kim Lapin Pilates.

Kim Lapin Pilates is my private Pilates business where I teach out of my in-home studio. I used to do small classes of three, but now I am just doing privates due to COVID. I have been teaching for six years and have been a student of Pilates since after college. I played NCAA water polo at UCLA and Pilates was my way to heal my injuries and body. It was super intense, and my body was muscular, thick, and not that feminine. I have been doing Pilates for twelve years and it has changed my body, so needless to say I am passionate about it!

5. Your baby Frankie is adorable. What would you say has surprised you most about motherhood?

The thing that surprises me most about motherhood is that I enjoy being a mom so much. I am so proud of that title and love that Frankie made me a mom. I have been super transparent on my YouTube channel and Instagram about my fears, insecurities, and experiences in life, modeling, pregnancy, and now motherhood. I never “wanted” to be a mom if I’m honest, I just figured I would be because I wanted a family eventually. I never felt that maternal clock, so I was scared I would be resentful, depressed, or lose myself and career pursuits when I started having kids.

As demanding as it is (and it is very demanding), I was shocked to find how naturally it came to me and that I don’t mind prioritizing Frankie above everything else, because nothing compares to the importance of her and my hubby. Family is everything. So many people like to scare you and say how hard it is, but no one tells you that you won’t mind how hard it is (most of the time!) because you are so infatuated with this perfect little thing. It’s my joy and honor to be her mom.

6. Favorite way to unwind at the end of the day?

I love to unwind by taking an Epsom salt bath, going on a long walk with my dogs around the neighborhood, laying down with a good book, or listening to worship music.

7. What book are you reading at the moment?

I was tempted to lie on this question lol. I’m not reading a book at the moment because I am video editing like crazy in my free time. I did order Untamed by Glennon Doyle and am excited to start that.

8. What is the most special place in the world to you?

There is nowhere like Capri or the South of France. The vibe, the food, the atmosphere, and the excuse to wear fabulous outfits! Take me back!

9. What is your most guilty pleasure?

OMG, BRAVO everything. All the housewives. I actually got engaged on Watch Happens Live with Andy Cohen (I made a YouTube video on it here).

10. What do you miss most about the pre-pandemic world?

In my opinion, 2020 has been a divisive year with so much turmoil. So, I really miss people being chill and normal when someone has another opinion or viewpoint than them. It feels like if you don’t have the same stance on an issue as someone else, you’re evil, or an idiot, or get “canceled,” or whatever. It’s so immature and such a weird way to be in my opinion. No meaningful change or conversations can be had with this attitude.

11. What is your current mood?

Current mood is inspired because I just started shooting again (content for my agents, Instagram, and my personal blog, Kimberly Rabbit). It feels so good to get back into creative outlets that I used to do pre-baby. I was feeling a bit stuck and dull, so this was the pick me up I needed to remember that I am good at other things!

12. Tell us a secret…

I dermaplane my face at home and it's essentially shaving... so basically, I shave my face. More specifically my lady ‘stache and peach fuzz, and it is my ultimate beauty secret. Everyone needs to do it.

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