She Said: Sunnie Brook

She Said: Sunnie Brook

1. Introduce yourself: your name and where you’re from.

Sunnie Brook. I’m originally from a small town called San Luis Obispo and have been living in Los Angeles now for over 10 years.

2. Where do you live in Los Angeles?

I just moved to Highland Park.

3. How did you start out as a celebrity hairstylist?

After working in the salon industry for 10 years as a stylist and salon owner, I moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in freelance hairdressing. I started out building my portfolio doing editorial and commercial work. Over time my network grew, my work improved, and I was able to get an agent. I remember my first big press feature was a two-page spread in Lucky Magazine. That opportunity opened a few doors that later led me to working with celebrities.

4. What is your signature hairstyle?

My hairstyles are often referred to as “relaxed luxury.” I miss the days of doing editorial hair, but I’ve always been passionate about empowering women in their own beauty, so much of my work is wearable these days.

5. How are you finding motherhood?

It is the greatest joy I’ve had in my life and the biggest responsibility! I’ve always been career driven and waited until I was almost 40 to have my first baby. I think looking back I was scared to be a mother. Growing up I was the oldest of five kids and saw what it took—the sacrifice, the unknown, the character, the love—to be a great mother. I knew one day when I made that life commitment, it would challenge me and it has, but with a sweet sense that I know I’m becoming more.

6. Tell us about Mirohaus.

Design and architecture have been a big influence in my work as a hairdresser since the beginning of my career. It’s where I’ve always looked for inspiration. Many of the principals in design and architecture apply to hairdressing: Emphasis, Balance and Alignment, Contrast, Repetition, Proportion, Movement and White Space. About five or six years ago, I started going to Palm Springs to recharge from my busy schedule in LA. Having the highest concentration of mid-century modern architecture in the world, I knew one day I would want to have a home there.

Fast forward a couple years and I met my now husband who is a furniture and interior designer and also shares my passion for design. Together we bought a Modern Alexander in Palm Springs that we wanted to make into a custom design experience. We named the house Mirohaus which means “one who celebrates the world of home.” Influenced by the textures and silhouettes in the desert, we created custom pieces in each room for guests to enjoy. Over this last year, Mirohaus has developed into a furniture and home goods brand that other design enthusiasts can shop, make (custom design studio) or stay in. Our hope is to add more home experiences and collections in the coming years.

7. If you could style anyone’s hair, past or present, who would it be?

Past - Jesus and Cleopatra. Present - Julia Roberts is still on my list!

8. What’s your workout hairstyle?

I usually wear a low bun that I secure with a French hair pin from Reed Clark. I love using it because I can take my hair down after working out and it has a nice wave in it.

9. What is one hair product you can’t live without?

Biolage HydraSource Deep Treatment. My hair feels so soft and shiny after, but not heavy. After using it, I can skip all my anti-frizz products and just air dry my waves.

10. Do you have one go-to workout, or many?

I like to do yoga, Pilates and cardio. Currently I’m doing 20-30 minutes of the elliptical 3-4 days a week and Melissa Wood Health online classes.

11. Do you follow any diet?

I try to eat locally-grown, organic produce. I limit my meat intake as I’ve learned more and more about plant-based diets and see the benefits. I also try to limit my sugar and gluten, but I do love chocolate and have it about once a day and wine on the weekends. I try to eat clean more than follow diet trends.

12. What is your bedtime beauty routine?

I always wash my makeup off and apply eye cream no matter what.

13. Tell us a secret?!

I’m adopted.

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