1. Tell us about yourselves: who you are, where you're from, and what it is you both do?
Lizzie Hendrickson (LH): I am originally from New York and grew up on Long Island. I moved to Los Angeles in 2005 to continue my acting career. I’m best known for my work in daytime television for the last 20 years. Currently, I play Chloe on The Young and the Restless. I also own my own business in Venice Beach, Ellie and Sass, which is a multi-purpose salon that I started with a friend almost four years ago.
Lizzy Seguin (LS): My name is Lizzy Seguin, and I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA. I lived in New York for ten years and then moved to Venice, CA about seven years ago. I am a Fashion Stylist and mainly work on editorials, celebrity, and music videos.
2. Where in LA do you both live?
LH: I live in Venice Beach.
LS: I also live in Venice.
3. How and where did you meet?
LH: Lizzy and I met a few years ago through her boyfriend, now husband. We became friends almost immediately. We had a mutual love for dancing, clothes, and good times. I nicknamed her Lizzy 2.0 because she was younger, prettier, and had better dance moves than me. It really was a pairing that was meant to be, I finally found a friend who had no shame to dance on a table with me.
LS: My husband, Mike, and I met in Brooklyn and then we decided to move to Venice Beach where he had previously lived. Mike had this incredible group of friends in Venice and Lizzie was one of them! I had lived in NYC for ten years and didn’t know a soul in LA. When we first got to LA, we immediately headed to Sayulita, Mexico for a friend’s wedding. Mexico was the first time I was meeting all of Mike’s West Coast friends. To say the least, I was a bit scared to be leaving NYC and getting thrown into a whole new group of friends. It was a wild wedding with a really special group of people. I remember seeing this stunning woman at the welcome dinner and I thought to myself, wow, who is she? She looks like a movie star! Lizzie walked right up and introduced herself to me. We instantly clicked over our love for dance, fashion, the fact that we had the same name, and both being from the East Coast. She took me under her wing. Honestly, if it weren’t for Lizzie I think my move to LA would have been so much harder and I wouldn’t have made all the friends I did. She is my soul sister!
4. Can you explain what your new business venture is all about?
LH: The Know Wear Files was born out of our love for fashion. Pre-COVID we were each other’s shopping buddies. It’s always helpful to have someone you know and trust to help you make smart purchases. While COVID was in full force, we were heartbroken to see small businesses and brands affected by the pandemic and wanted to help. Live shopping was brought to our attention and there was an a-ha moment for us both. Shopping virtually was just an extension of what we were already doing together. Why not help and guide those at home who have trouble shopping online, and support small businesses at the same time?
5. If you could describe each other in three words, what would they be?
LH: Only three?!! The kindest, most loyal, and easy-going gal I know.
LS: Fun-loving, the biggest heart, the best dancer I know, and karaoke queen! I couldn’t just do three, too hard!
6. What and/or who inspires you?
LH: Go-getters, big dreamers, those who move to the beat of their own drum and don’t take no for an answer.
LS: I am really inspired by looking through art books and fashion magazines. Some favorite art books are Irving Penn: Beyond Beauty, Guy Bourdin: Image Maker, GRACE: The American Vogue Years, and Carine Roitfeld: Irreverent. My go-to fashion magazines are Purple Magazine, CR, Vogue Italia, Vogue Paris, and Porter. I love reading as well and it is another way I get inspired. My friend Lulu just gave me Homebody by Rupi Kaur. Her poems are so beautiful and inspiring!

7. You both look so amazing since having babies, how do you stay fit?
LH: Thanks! It has been a lot harder than I thought to get rid of my baby weight, to be honest. I was extremely active pre-birth and during my pregnancy. I was looking forward to getting back to my workout routine post-baby but the pandemic made it a lot more difficult. Motivating myself at home was a big challenge for me. I walked as much as I could in the beginning and after my body felt like it was ready, I started online classes. I’m finally getting into a rhythm and feeling stronger! Currently, I’m doing barre/Pilates with @Movement_classes, dance cardio, and strength training with both THE LINE by Katie Mullin and LEKFIT.
LS: Aww thanks! I have been doing workouts with THE LINE by Katie Mullin, Body By Simone, Karen Lord Pilates, Melissa Wood Health, and Movement Classes. Exercising and moving my body is how I destress and take time for myself. I am so much happier when I move my body. Exercise has been key for staying sane during this pandemic.
8. On that note, do you follow any diet?
LH: I’ve probably tried all the diet fads out there at some point, but what I have really learned is it’s all about balance. For me, I have found that an 80/20 mindset is a healthier approach for setting attainable goals while still enjoying foods that I love. I do follow a gluten-free diet because of an intolerance and both pre- and post-baby I have been following a grain-free diet which seems to be the best for my gut and overall health.
LS: I mainly follow a vegan diet. When I became pregnant, I was really craving a ton of protein and my diet wasn’t cutting it. So, I listened to my body and added in salmon and eggs. I still do eat salmon and eggs occasionally if I feel like I need it. I think it’s so important to listen to what your body is telling you.
9. What are your guilty pleasures?
LH: The Bachelor/ette and French fries.
LS: The Bachelor, Emily in Paris and Bridgerton! And Van Leeuwen pistachio and chocolate vegan ice cream! You won’t be disappointed in the combo I promise.
10. Do you want more kids?
LH: Before I had my daughter, I said “one and done!” Then I had the most magical pregnancy, birth, and baby, and I can see myself doing it again. I’m not trying to have another but I’m also not NOT trying. If it’s meant to be then great but we do also LOVE the idea of keeping a simple family of three.
LS: I had my daughter Chloe a little over a year ago. I am so happy with the way things are right now. She is so much fun! I love her so much! I am totally open to having another baby but maybe in a couple of years. Right now, I just want to enjoy our time together!
11. Last year was such a challenging year for all, what would you say have been some key learnings for you?
LH: Well, I did not think I was going to become a mother for the first time in the middle of a pandemic, that’s for sure! There have been so many new discoveries these past several months. What has stood out to me was that I realized how strong and competent I am. Before I gave birth, I had a breakdown when I realized we were going to have no help after the baby arrived. My husband assured me “we are going to be fine” and I remember being absolutely hysterical, telling him “get ready because we are going to be in over our heads”. Well, he was right, and it was more than fine. We took it day by day and figured it out. In fact, she has had nine months of having BOTH parents at home, and what a beautiful experience it has been for all of us. Looking back, I realize I had an overwhelming fear of the unknown (I’m sure my raging hormones didn’t help one bit) but what that fear brought along with it was an incredible amount of strength and knowledge that I didn’t even know existed inside of me. I think it’s very easy to doubt yourself when it’s something you’ve never done before. I’ve learned to not get ahead of myself, SLOW DOWN, and to TRUST myself, you will figure it out eventually when you get out of your own way.
LS: One of the biggest things is just how important your family and friends are. There is no reason to not make time for the people you love and want in your life. The other big thing I took away from this year was really figuring out what I wanted to focus my energy on and do with my life. The pandemic has caused us all to slow down and really take stock of our life. And that is a beautiful thing.
12. What’s on the horizon?
LH: Hugging all of my family and friends, continuing my businesses/acting career, and finding a nanny!
LS: I’m hoping for a pandemic-free world very soon, where an epic dance party and lots of travel will be in order! And of course, continuing to build TKWF and see where it goes :)